Sunday, January 11, 2015

One thing to know...

Well, two things really. First I wanted to write a little more about Leslie Sansones walking videos, because as I mentioned in an earlier post, I am a huge fan of her videos. I have read a couple reviews saying her walking program is easy. First, let's start with the basics. Leslie's walking program has 5 basic steps (she always says there's four, but really, there's 5); these 5 basic steps are a kickback (hamstring curl), lifting the knee up, kicks, side steps, and walking in place. The number one key to making the walking videos challenging is getting low with the movements. The lower you sit into every move, the more muscle you will have engaged, and as we all know, the more muscle engaged, the more you will burn! Also, another key to making her workouts a challenge is to add light weights to both the wrists and ankles! So, to maximize the benefits and the workouts I get down low with every movement Lealie does in the walking videos and add 2lb weights to both my wrists and ankles! I recommend to simply get wrist and ankle weights from five below. You can buy two sets for ten dollars, which is relatively inexpensive. Trust me, with added weights and getting down low you will be sweating in no time and will get a great workout using Leslie Sansones video. I believe a great thing about her videos is you can set them up for yourself to be super easy or a super challenge, depending on what level you feel comfortable at. Added bonus: I do this for a added detox boost as I exercise, I crank up my mini electric heater and really crank up the temperature; though I would NOT recommend doing this until you are at an advanced exercise stage. Also, if you choose to add on the heater to the exercise, make sure you are replenishing your body after with LOTS of water. Our bodies are made up of primarily water, so make sure to replenish your body after! If anyone has any questions regarding exercise or Leslie Sansones videos, feel free to leave a comment!

The next topic I wanted to touch base on is listening to cues that your body gives you. I know it's not always easy, we all have busy lives to do and so forth, but we must listen to cues that the body gives! For example, I was exhausted this weekend, had a busy week, plus was exercising 6 days out of the week, ranging from 90-120 minutes. Today I allowed myself to sleep in for 12 hours. A lot of time yes, but I could tell by the end of the week my body needed the time. If you are irritable, hungry, ill, and/or exhausted, or any combination of these feelings, usually there is a reason why. Our body is always shooting signals from the neurons back to our brains to get across a message. Listening to your mindset will remain much more at ease. I truly believe that when we ignore body signals, that is what leads to negativity in our lives (ie: depression, contracting worse illnesses, and an irritability which can affect everyday relationships, work performance, etc). What people do not seem to understand is just giving yourself even a ten minute break in between our busy schedules, say to eat a snack, to take a quick snooze, will actually end up making the rest of your day more efficient because at the end of the day you will prevent from slowing down as much. Another thing I believe that will keep your energy up is waking up a little early to squeeze in at 10-20 minute workout/exercise before beginning the day. Those 10-20 minutes will be the most energizing and relaxing minutes because you are giving time to yourself, and an early morning workout allows your muscles to get the "wake up" the need as well. Your adrenaline will increase, endorphins increase, and you will become more alert and aware of your surroundings. Health truly is a lifestyle. You don't get overall health and wellbeing from only listening and completing one part of the circle to overall health. So spend time for yourself is the most important lessen here. You cannot give you all to other aspects of your life if you are not first and foremost, caring for yourself and your needs.

That's all for now. Stay forever healthy and fit everyone!

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