Thursday, February 12, 2015
It's just a number
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
This is my question of the day. What I posted as my status in facebook. I want to help people loose weight, but I need to know I have a steady market possibility before making the plummet with beach body coaching. Let me know if interested by a facebook message, a comment here, or an email at! Stay forever fit and healthy all!
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Weight loss tips/How I keep motivated
So I am part of this fabulous group on facebook for those who love exercising to Leslie Sansone walking videos, and a woman asked me if I could post some of my weight loss tips. So, as a woman of my word I am posting my tips here in this blog, for all to read.
- Positive attitude!!!! Biggest way to reach and get to your goals! Trust me I know it's hard I know it's not easy! At my heaviest I weighed 220, wore a size 12-14, and felt disgusted with myself and pretty down in the hopeless dumps. The minute you stop beating yourself up is the minute weight loss begins to occur!! Self loathing and self pity is a major mental road block. You won't exercise as much as you could, or eat as healthy as you could because in the back of your mind you are already telling yourself "I can't do it so why try?" Well you can do it and it will happen! Negative energy holds us back! Let go, let go, and let go of the negativity and you will see all your goals are more attainable than you thought!
- Small mini goals!!! You want to loose 40, 50, even 80, 90, 100+ pounds! Great! And it's great to keep your overall get set in the back of your mind! But your overall final goal, keep that in the back of your mind! If you think of the overall amount of weight you want to loose without giving yourself mini goals the mind becomes overwhelmed. When the mind becomes overwhelmed our brains natural reaction is to give up, or to set back in order to ease the stress. So, depending on what you want to loose overall set smaller goals from there. 20-50 pounds? Set 5 pound increment goals. 50-100 pounds? Set 10 pound increment goals? 100+? Set 20 pound goals. Numbers between 5-20 seem much more attainable to the mind than a big overall weight loss goal. And the mini goals will keep you motivated!!
- Have mini little indulgences. Craving fries? Cookies? Ice cream? Chicken wings? Studies have shown that eating a tiny bit of your craving in small, yet slow bites is so significant in pleasing and satisfying that craving without ruining your diet for the day. Craving an oreo? Have one Oreo with say, a glass of almond milk and eat the Oreo slow. Fries? Eat two individual fries at that slow pace. Chicken wings? Eat one wing. The slow pace with small bites allows time for the body to send signals to the brain. Those "feel good" hormones will kick in thru the nerves, sending the signal to the whole body which is why by the time you finish those two individual fries, or one cookie, or a spoonful of ice cream, the body will be satisfied.
- Aim for some kind of small exercise daily! As Leslie Sansone always says "the body was made for motion," while you could think she says that as a selling gimmick (granted if you only have just started with her I could see someone thinking that) but really, it's true. We weren't given the hundreds of bones and muscles we have to sit around in bed or on the couch all day! And again, exercising daily does NOT mean you have to go to the gym daily and burn 800 calories, and run 8 miles. A brisk one mile walk with some light yoga, for example is all you need. As Leslie Sansone also says, any time you just move and get yourself off the couch, you made a good choice! And it's true. But again daily exercise does not mean you need to do triathlon athlete styled workouts! A mile of brisk walking daily is all you need, that equals about 20 minutes a day of brisk exercise.
- Listen to your body!!!! It knows what it needs! We are smart creatures, our minds and bodies are always giving us signals as to what we need! The body lets you know when you need to rest, stretch, eat, when you're getting ill, etc. Ignoring body signals is not a good way to try and reach goals! If you need to rest, take a 15 minute nap or break. If you have hunger pains, eat a light cheesestick and an apple! There are appropriate times to push, but don't push to the point where your body is breaking down! It's all about finding that happy medium!
- Every bit of movement counts!!!! Grocery store? Park in te furthest parking spot from the store! Going to your office on say, second or third floor? Take the stairs instead of the elevator! Taking little shortcuts such as these really add up so much throughout your day!
- Build your exercise up gradually! Again, this is to prevent burnout and frustration. If you haven't worked out I say, 4-5 years and you are just getting started again, you don't want to jump right in to 2-3 hours of heavy exercise a day. You will get frustrated and you will want to give up! I always recommend to people just starting to start with either 1-2 miles of brisk walking a day, and, only if the choose, maybe add one pound hand weights. This averages to around 20-25 minutes of exercise a day. Which is attainable and something we all can do!
- Be patient with your body! It takes the body on average about two weeks to really take to the changes you are making to it. Say you aren't big on eating things like vegetables, unsweetened beverages, etc. Don't instantly give up on them! The taste buds are known to adapt to change! By two weeks you will start to actually enjoy the foods you never thought you would like! Same with exercise! Takes the body about two weeks to get used to a routine!
- Do not change both diet and exercise habits on the same day!!! Or even in the same week! Too much change too quickly is actually counter productive on the body. The best way to go with diet and exercise is to change your diet first, and give the body two weeks time to get used to the new foods, and then on day 14, begin with the exercise. This way it won't feel so burdensome on the body!
- When going out read menu items closely!!! Of you are out at a restaurant, but watching what you eat, be sure to really READ what is in the dish you are getting. Especially with salads! Just because you getting a salad does not necessarily mean it's aitomatocally better for you. If this salad has cheese, croutons, creamy dressing, fried chicken on it, then really it is not any better than a Big Mac or a whopper. Always order salads with dressing on the side! Any dressing, whether it's the sauce on a sandwhich, dressing on a salad, etc it's always beat of it is on the side (or you could ask for it without sauce, which is always the best option because it is a step closer to the food in its natural state). Also if you see words or phrases you don't understand always ask the server! I tend to find most of the things I don't know tend to be something creamy or fried! Croutons, I would stay away from as well! They're tony but their calories add up very quickly!
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
An explanation and understanding on chocolate
Okay so, I have thought about this and have given in person explanations on chocolate, so now, I am going to give an in depth explanation on chocolate for everyone to read and understand. Good news and bad news. The good news is chocolate, in its serving size quantity is healthy! Bad news, only dark chocolate is healthy in its serving size quantity.
First off, let me start by stating that most people do not really like true blue chocolate! True blue chocolate comes from the cocoa bean and typically has a slightly bitter yet with a hint of a nutty taste. The cocoa bean in any natural form (whether grounded, whole, powder) is healthy! That's where the flavonoids and antioxidants are! A similar comparison to chocolate is flour. Flour in its natural state is a light brown/tan color because the wheat plant is a nice tan/golden brown color. However, the more of the natural seed that is stripped away from the flour, which is called "the wheat germ" or, as you will see on food packages called durum, the whiter and light the flour will be. And the lighter the flour, the less nutrients and the less beneficial it will be for us to consume. This standard principal goes for chocolate as well! Basically, the way white and milk chocolate is formed is by taking out more and more of the natural cocoa bean. White chocolate has absolutely NO "chocate" or no coca bean in it. White chocate is the equivalent to white, or bleached flour, absolutely ZERO nutritional or health benefits. All that white chocate is, is the remainders of the cocoa bean after it has been stripped (the remains tend to be oils and startchy fats) and loads and loads of processed, "white" or cane sugar. Milk chocolate has about 25%-50% of the cocoa bean within. So anywhere from 1/2 to 3/4 of the cocoa bean has been stripped from the milk chocolate. Milk chocolate isn't healthy either because in order to replaced what was stripped from the cocoa bean they have to replace it with additives like added oils, processed chemicals, added sugars, etc.
And then there is dark chocolate. Dark chocolate ranges (from what I've seen) to having 65%-100% of the pure and complete cocoa bean within. This means only 1/3 or less of the cocoa bean is stripped from the chocolate. Which means that dark chocolate is going to have the least added oils, fats, sugars, etc. because of this, this is why dark chocolate is the "purest" most real chocolate and actually has some health benefits since the majority or all of the cocoa bean is in tact in the chocolate.
So, this is why I will say to people that if you do not like dark chocolate, then you are not a true chocolate fan. Because if you favor white or milk but hate dark chocolate, that means what you really like about "chocolate" are the added fats, oils, sugars, etc. Chocolate in its true state is the cocoa bean, nothing more or less.
So, if you have one square to the serving size of dark chocolate ONLY per day, you do get health benefits from the antioxidants and flavonoids within! So there is some good news, some chocolate is healthy, just that it is dark chocolate and not white or milk chocolate.
Food for thought!!! That's all for now everyone! Remember to stay forever healthy and forever fit! It's a lifestyle! Not a fad!
Sunday, January 11, 2015
One thing to know...
Well, two things really. First I wanted to write a little more about Leslie Sansones walking videos, because as I mentioned in an earlier post, I am a huge fan of her videos. I have read a couple reviews saying her walking program is easy. First, let's start with the basics. Leslie's walking program has 5 basic steps (she always says there's four, but really, there's 5); these 5 basic steps are a kickback (hamstring curl), lifting the knee up, kicks, side steps, and walking in place. The number one key to making the walking videos challenging is getting low with the movements. The lower you sit into every move, the more muscle you will have engaged, and as we all know, the more muscle engaged, the more you will burn! Also, another key to making her workouts a challenge is to add light weights to both the wrists and ankles! So, to maximize the benefits and the workouts I get down low with every movement Lealie does in the walking videos and add 2lb weights to both my wrists and ankles! I recommend to simply get wrist and ankle weights from five below. You can buy two sets for ten dollars, which is relatively inexpensive. Trust me, with added weights and getting down low you will be sweating in no time and will get a great workout using Leslie Sansones video. I believe a great thing about her videos is you can set them up for yourself to be super easy or a super challenge, depending on what level you feel comfortable at. Added bonus: I do this for a added detox boost as I exercise, I crank up my mini electric heater and really crank up the temperature; though I would NOT recommend doing this until you are at an advanced exercise stage. Also, if you choose to add on the heater to the exercise, make sure you are replenishing your body after with LOTS of water. Our bodies are made up of primarily water, so make sure to replenish your body after! If anyone has any questions regarding exercise or Leslie Sansones videos, feel free to leave a comment!
The next topic I wanted to touch base on is listening to cues that your body gives you. I know it's not always easy, we all have busy lives to do and so forth, but we must listen to cues that the body gives! For example, I was exhausted this weekend, had a busy week, plus was exercising 6 days out of the week, ranging from 90-120 minutes. Today I allowed myself to sleep in for 12 hours. A lot of time yes, but I could tell by the end of the week my body needed the time. If you are irritable, hungry, ill, and/or exhausted, or any combination of these feelings, usually there is a reason why. Our body is always shooting signals from the neurons back to our brains to get across a message. Listening to your mindset will remain much more at ease. I truly believe that when we ignore body signals, that is what leads to negativity in our lives (ie: depression, contracting worse illnesses, and an irritability which can affect everyday relationships, work performance, etc). What people do not seem to understand is just giving yourself even a ten minute break in between our busy schedules, say to eat a snack, to take a quick snooze, will actually end up making the rest of your day more efficient because at the end of the day you will prevent from slowing down as much. Another thing I believe that will keep your energy up is waking up a little early to squeeze in at 10-20 minute workout/exercise before beginning the day. Those 10-20 minutes will be the most energizing and relaxing minutes because you are giving time to yourself, and an early morning workout allows your muscles to get the "wake up" the need as well. Your adrenaline will increase, endorphins increase, and you will become more alert and aware of your surroundings. Health truly is a lifestyle. You don't get overall health and wellbeing from only listening and completing one part of the circle to overall health. So spend time for yourself is the most important lessen here. You cannot give you all to other aspects of your life if you are not first and foremost, caring for yourself and your needs.
That's all for now. Stay forever healthy and fit everyone!
The next topic I wanted to touch base on is listening to cues that your body gives you. I know it's not always easy, we all have busy lives to do and so forth, but we must listen to cues that the body gives! For example, I was exhausted this weekend, had a busy week, plus was exercising 6 days out of the week, ranging from 90-120 minutes. Today I allowed myself to sleep in for 12 hours. A lot of time yes, but I could tell by the end of the week my body needed the time. If you are irritable, hungry, ill, and/or exhausted, or any combination of these feelings, usually there is a reason why. Our body is always shooting signals from the neurons back to our brains to get across a message. Listening to your mindset will remain much more at ease. I truly believe that when we ignore body signals, that is what leads to negativity in our lives (ie: depression, contracting worse illnesses, and an irritability which can affect everyday relationships, work performance, etc). What people do not seem to understand is just giving yourself even a ten minute break in between our busy schedules, say to eat a snack, to take a quick snooze, will actually end up making the rest of your day more efficient because at the end of the day you will prevent from slowing down as much. Another thing I believe that will keep your energy up is waking up a little early to squeeze in at 10-20 minute workout/exercise before beginning the day. Those 10-20 minutes will be the most energizing and relaxing minutes because you are giving time to yourself, and an early morning workout allows your muscles to get the "wake up" the need as well. Your adrenaline will increase, endorphins increase, and you will become more alert and aware of your surroundings. Health truly is a lifestyle. You don't get overall health and wellbeing from only listening and completing one part of the circle to overall health. So spend time for yourself is the most important lessen here. You cannot give you all to other aspects of your life if you are not first and foremost, caring for yourself and your needs.
That's all for now. Stay forever healthy and fit everyone!
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Talking about fit bands
So, one of the newer, bigger hypes that is increasingly growing in the fitness industry are various brands and type of fit bands. I have a vivofit fit band myself, and have had it since Christmas. I will say, with my busy schedule, I do not exactly use the app that goes with my fit band. I downloaded the app and set it up just so I could get my fit band properly running, but I do not use the app anymore. You can choose to use it or not; depending on the kind of person you are. I have been exercising on and off for 11-12 years now, so I do not feel like I need the structure, plus I do not like that much structure. I personally like my workout programs to be random and free flowing.
The main con with the fit band is if you make any sudden quick jolts or movements, the "steps" on the band will count down as if you took a step. That is the main thing I do not like. I would like a pedometer that will calculate just my actual steps so I can really tell how many miles I have exercised, walked, jogged throughout the day. So, whenever I get excited to say, my fiancΓ©e for example about how many steps my fit band has dropped in what I have left, I be sure to specify/say to him, for example, I have gone and made 5,000 steps AND movements (since it calculates both in reality). So with that component I feel like it is slightly /a little bit of false advertising because all it says is how it just calculates your steps; just mentioned that sudden or accidental jolts/movements will decrease your steps as well.
The greatest bonus I am finding to this fit band, is, even though it does calculate random movements and not just steps it highly motivates me. I personally set my fit band settings for the "high activity" settings, so it started me off with goal of 7,500 steps/movements. And when I am driven, there is no stopping me. And this is what this fit band does for me. It highly motivates me. As I watch that pedometer numbers continue to drop, the more determined I am to make my goal (and then-some at times).
So it is a good investment for you for one of two reasons, one, if you are like me and get motivated by watching the numbers drop, or two, if the structure of the app that couples with the fit band appeals to you. I would only skip on it if the fact that the numbers decreasing sometimes to random movements that aren't walking or jogging bothers you since unfortunately there is no way to get around that. Also it tracks your hours of sleep, when you sleep, and a couple other functions, if you want just a pure and simple pedometer, I also would not invest in this.
Have a good night all! Hope this mini review helps somewhat when deciding about fit bands. Stay forever healthy and forever fit.
Pure Green Wellness Smoothie
Here is the finished product:
First, cut up about 1/4 of a cucumber, I bought just a medium, average sized cucumber. Then cut that 1/4 cucumber into very slender circular pieces. Then cut those circular pieces in half (makes it easier for blender to cut up). Next, take a granny smith apple and cut it in half (you'll be using only half of the apple for the single serve recipe. Then, cut that 1/2 apple again into slender, skinny slices, and proceed to then cut those slender slices into halves. Next, take a green pear, cut it in half (again half a pear is for one serving). Then cut the half pear into skinny slices, then cutting those skinny slices into half pieces. Next I bought one bushel of kale, I'd say it looks about average size. Take 1/3 of that kale and cut/shred into small pieces. The next ingredient is to just drop 12 raw almonds into the mix. Next put in 1/2c of plain greek yogurt into the blending cup. Also drop in about a handful of fresh cranberries. Then put a green tea bag into a coffee cup with about 1/4c water, bringing it to a boil (for my microwave that took about 2 minutes), and dump the green tea into the blending cup. And finally, put about 1c unsweetened almond milk into the mix. Blend around 3 minutes or so. From beginning to end this took me about 10-15 minutes to create. Calorie total I am estimating this smoothie at is about 305 calories!
Well I hope everyone enjoys this smoothie! I did. Feel free to add about a half cup of trop50 orange juice is you want to make it a little sweeter.
That's all in the post! Stay forever fit, forever healthy.
First, cut up about 1/4 of a cucumber, I bought just a medium, average sized cucumber. Then cut that 1/4 cucumber into very slender circular pieces. Then cut those circular pieces in half (makes it easier for blender to cut up). Next, take a granny smith apple and cut it in half (you'll be using only half of the apple for the single serve recipe. Then, cut that 1/2 apple again into slender, skinny slices, and proceed to then cut those slender slices into halves. Next, take a green pear, cut it in half (again half a pear is for one serving). Then cut the half pear into skinny slices, then cutting those skinny slices into half pieces. Next I bought one bushel of kale, I'd say it looks about average size. Take 1/3 of that kale and cut/shred into small pieces. The next ingredient is to just drop 12 raw almonds into the mix. Next put in 1/2c of plain greek yogurt into the blending cup. Also drop in about a handful of fresh cranberries. Then put a green tea bag into a coffee cup with about 1/4c water, bringing it to a boil (for my microwave that took about 2 minutes), and dump the green tea into the blending cup. And finally, put about 1c unsweetened almond milk into the mix. Blend around 3 minutes or so. From beginning to end this took me about 10-15 minutes to create. Calorie total I am estimating this smoothie at is about 305 calories!
Well I hope everyone enjoys this smoothie! I did. Feel free to add about a half cup of trop50 orange juice is you want to make it a little sweeter.
That's all in the post! Stay forever fit, forever healthy.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Eating healthy Chinese
Alright everyone, lets be honest. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, even if you are obsessed with cooking, wants to cook every single night. Some nights, (which is total okay and natural) you are going to want to get take out. Chinese, is one of the most people take outs available. And usually, people don't understand how to do it healthy. The key is to stay away from heavy noodle based dishes, heavy sauce dishes, and entrees that are fried. I fact, most people do not realize this, but se will get chicken dishes, thinking because it's poultry and not red meat like beef, they chose a healthier option. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily true. Most chicken dishes, or at least the popular chicken dishes (sweet and sour, orange, and sesame chickens) are fried, and I do believe deep fried because I have actually see them using their deep fry friers in their mini kitchen there, where the process cannot be hidden. The key to eating Chinese healthy? You have to get it steamed! The process of steaming uses no oil, and lots of water when cooking! Plus, I personally think steed cuisine even tastes better because as the food is cooking, the meats and veggies soak up that water while cooking, which makes the food more tender when consuming it. I got a steamed Chinese meal tonight, it looked like this:
It is a seafood and steamed veggie mix. Worth every delicious bite :)! I would not even estimate a high calorie amount for this. I would estimate 300 tops because this dish had more veggies than seafood. Plus majority of seafood on its own does not have a large amount of calories either. However, if you do not like seafood, most Chinese places I have seen do offered steamed as just veggies, beef, or chicken (a few, while not as popular have steamed with tofu...just be careful with tofu since too much soy is not good for the body). Also your taste buds I promise you will get used to the taste of steamed without the fried or heavy sauce component! Our taste buds will change on their own when allowed and when you give your body the chance to like it. That's where I believe the term "acquired taste" stems from, because it takes some time to allow taste buds to change what they are used to. But give it a week or two, and you and your body will not have heavy cravings for sauce and fried, I can promise you that! Our beings, the homosapian, we did down the line stem from animals. We are programmed to eat foods without sauce and without being fried. Sauces and fried are man made, these things were not created in nature. That is partly why I believe we can like, even enjoy steamed, sauceless foods after a max of a two week period, because it is getting back to basics of food, actually eating the food itself, as is intended!
That's all for now my fellow readers! Time for this gal to exercise and then relax with this adorable little babe pup, my baby girl:
Stay fit, fabulous, and healthy! Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Two more delicious smoothie recipes (makes single servings)
This smoothie I call orange tropical, the recipe is as follows:
The second smoothie is simply called berrytastic and contains:
Those are my two new recipes for the day. Stay fabulous, healthy, and fit everyone! π
- 1/4c lemon juice
- 1/2c Orange juice
- 1/2c almond milk unsweetened
- 1/2c plain Greek yogurt
- 10 cranberries
- 5 carrots
- 2 clementines
- Dash of cinnamon
The second smoothie is simply called berrytastic and contains:
- Handful cranberries
- Handful blueberries
- 1/2c Greek yogurt plain
- 1/2c unsweetened almond milk
- 12 raw almonds
Those are my two new recipes for the day. Stay fabulous, healthy, and fit everyone! π
Some awesome workout videos everyone should do
So for this blog I have to tell everyone about two awesome workout videos that everyone must at least try! They give a real burn and both of these trainers are phenomenal. The first one everyone must try is this:
Leslie Sansone walk it off in 30 days. I actually first discovered Leslie's workouts back when I was 14 years old on Jenny Craig (at a later date I will have a post discussing the pros and cons of doing diet programs like Jenny Craig). She made a walking video for the company and I fell in love then. I rediscovered her in 2012 and have been doing her walking videos since (I currently own three). In my opinion you got two major kind of trainers out there; the hard asses the really push you and almost (but not quite) get in your face, and then the kind who are just so bubbly and energetic that their energy hooks you in to wanting to exercise with you. I personally like both kinds of trainers for different reasons, but Leslie Sansone is definitely the energetic and bubbly kind of trainer where her energy is so contagious you can't help but want to exercise with her. This exact walking video is a little more boot camp-like/hardcore than some of her other videos, but the benefits you feel after the exercise are worth it. Personally, I feel energized every time after completing any Leslie Sansone walking/workout video. I urge everyone to buy this dvd. I believe in most stores it averages around 14-15 dollars. There are two workouts on this dvd; a strength training and a cardio walk. You will be sweating a lot after doing both of these workouts! Want something not as intense (especially if just starting out)? I would recommend this dvd of hers:
I would start off with either the one mile or two mile walk in this set. You still get a nice burn and feel energized from both, but it is not quite as extreme as her 30 day challenge walk. The 1 mile is about 20 minutes and the two mile is 30 minutes. In the two mile walk you use a resistance band that comes in the dvd case. Both options of hers are great, whichever you choose. And the best thing is on her website, once you become a pro expert at the walking at home program, you can become certified to become a walking coach yourself! So you can market yourself for gyms, nursing homes, have programs at your house! The program costs about 400-500 to complete, but it looked worth it to me when I gave it a look (details for the coaching program via this link:
It is definitely another one of my best investments I have made. You will be dripping in sweat after a thirty minutes session with her I promise that! In this workout video she has pumped up both cardio and strength training by combing the two together with every single move you do throughout; plus every single movement done is workout every single muscle in your body. You will not only burn a sweat after, but you will feel like you just had one of the most efficient 30 minute sessions you have ever had. Note: this dvd is definitely not for the weak at heart! You have to absolutely push yourself through at certain points to get yourself to the end but it is so worth it and your results will be fabulous ( I know because I have only been doing this for about a week and can already notice some changes)! She tough love attitude motivates you because even though she's tough, you can feel that she wants everyone doing this video to succeed, and she send s that message across with flying colors.
The second workout video I highly recommend is by Jackie (uncertain of her last name). But I first heard of her from the Bravo tv show called workout. I fell in love with how she trained clients from what was aired because as I said I love bubbly trainers but I also love the tough love/hardcore trainers as well, and Jackie definitely appears as more of that tough love kind of trainer. The video I do of hers is this:
Wanted to share these amazing workout videos with everyone and urge others to get up and moving with these as well. You won't regret the investments! That's all for now. Everyone stay fit and healthy! π
Monday, January 5, 2015
Smoothies explained, plus 4 healthy, easy DELICIOUS recipes!
Hello to everyone, I am back, amped, and ready to write! I, for one, absolutely love smoothies! I love having them for my breakfast and lunch! One reason I decided to make my own was because I was going to sign on for a group weight loss program, unfortunately, I would have had to buy shakeology mixes; I am not sure about anyone else here, but I certainly don't have 130.00 laying around that I can give out every time I need or want a thirty day supply. So, I figured I would make my own smoothies. I got the fabulous nutria-bullet for Christmas, and have been using it since. I have come up with three recipes on my own, that I do not believe exist (least not that I have seen). All you need to buy a some groceries to make these smoothies. All the ingredients should not come to more than about $40.
First, let me point out that in order to make smoothies healthy, and really reap benefits from them you really do want to create you own. One main reason for this is because most smoothies you buy from stores or cafes are packed with a lot of unnecessary sugar, or sugar substitutes, which takes away any benefits you may get from the few pieces of fruit put into them. Also, when you make smoothies for yourself at home, you know what you are putting in, so you know what is going into your body, there is no guessing game. Also, lots of smoothies are made with milk, cows milk. Cows milk has been something I have found to be a odd concept over the last 5 to 10 years; there are two reasons why cows milk is an odd concept. First, when mothers lactate, that milk is filled with nutrients specifically for infants and babies. Eventually, all species wean off their mother's milk as they age. So, we are drinking milk that not only comes from another species, but a product specifically developed in the mother for her babies. So, secondly, because of this besides for some calcium, there are not really any other health benefits to drinking milk, from a cow. For my smoothies I personally love and advocate for those to use almond milk. It's packed with vitamins and has I believe about double the calcium that cows milk does. However, if you are going to use almond milk, I would stick to the unsweetened almond milk (which is all I ever use) to again stay away from unnecessary sugar (you will get PLENTY of natural sugar from the fruits in the smoothies, and it wont be harmful on the body like sugar and sugar substitutes).
Second, lets talk about ingredients to use in the smoothies. Any kind of fruit, veggie, or nut/seed you use in your smoothies you want them to be in their RAW, natural form. Nuts and seeds for example, you want to buy them salted, or flavored as barbeque or ranch; you even don't want to buy them with just they saying "unsalted" on them. Why? Because just because the bag says unsalted they are still cooked/roasted! You want to buy seeds and nuts that say RAW,WHOLE right on the bag. Another great way to tell if they are natural I find more often than not is if they have the USDA organic stamp right on the bag. For bases for the smoothies I tend to use either greek yogurt (plain/original with no flavoring), unsweetened almond milk, water, and/or orange juice (I usually use trop50).
First, let me point out that in order to make smoothies healthy, and really reap benefits from them you really do want to create you own. One main reason for this is because most smoothies you buy from stores or cafes are packed with a lot of unnecessary sugar, or sugar substitutes, which takes away any benefits you may get from the few pieces of fruit put into them. Also, when you make smoothies for yourself at home, you know what you are putting in, so you know what is going into your body, there is no guessing game. Also, lots of smoothies are made with milk, cows milk. Cows milk has been something I have found to be a odd concept over the last 5 to 10 years; there are two reasons why cows milk is an odd concept. First, when mothers lactate, that milk is filled with nutrients specifically for infants and babies. Eventually, all species wean off their mother's milk as they age. So, we are drinking milk that not only comes from another species, but a product specifically developed in the mother for her babies. So, secondly, because of this besides for some calcium, there are not really any other health benefits to drinking milk, from a cow. For my smoothies I personally love and advocate for those to use almond milk. It's packed with vitamins and has I believe about double the calcium that cows milk does. However, if you are going to use almond milk, I would stick to the unsweetened almond milk (which is all I ever use) to again stay away from unnecessary sugar (you will get PLENTY of natural sugar from the fruits in the smoothies, and it wont be harmful on the body like sugar and sugar substitutes).
Second, lets talk about ingredients to use in the smoothies. Any kind of fruit, veggie, or nut/seed you use in your smoothies you want them to be in their RAW, natural form. Nuts and seeds for example, you want to buy them salted, or flavored as barbeque or ranch; you even don't want to buy them with just they saying "unsalted" on them. Why? Because just because the bag says unsalted they are still cooked/roasted! You want to buy seeds and nuts that say RAW,WHOLE right on the bag. Another great way to tell if they are natural I find more often than not is if they have the USDA organic stamp right on the bag. For bases for the smoothies I tend to use either greek yogurt (plain/original with no flavoring), unsweetened almond milk, water, and/or orange juice (I usually use trop50).
Here are the first two smoothies:
The green smoothie I call my "green tea green power smoothie" the ingredients are as follows:
- 1/4c hot water
- one green tea bag
- 3/4c spinach and kale mix
- 12 raw almonds
- 1c-1 1/2c of unsweetened almond milk
- handful of fresh cranberries
Start off buy first putting the 1/4c of hot water into the blender. Next take the green tea bag and put it into the hot water in the blender, allow that to sit for about 5 minutes. Then put in the spinach/kale mix, almonds, cranberries, and lastly the unsweetened almond milk. Blend about 5 minutes and it should be set. This smoothie only has 205 calories in it, and this recipe makes one serving (double or triple the ingredients if you would like more).
This next smoothie, (the blue-purpled color smoothie next to the green) is a blueberry-banana smoothie, the ingredients are:
- one whole banana
- handful of fresh blueberries
- 24 raw almonds
- 1c unsweetened almond milk
First cut the banana into 1/2 inch pieces and put the banana in the blender, then put in the blueberries, almonds, and lastly the unsweetened almond milk. Takes 5-10 minutes to make. Again this recipe is for one serving, so double, triple, etc the ingredients as you wish.
I have one more smoothie recipe to share, and it is for this smoothie:
This smoothie I call carrot-orange protein power. The ingredients for this smoothie are:
- 1/2c unsweetened almond milk
- 1/2c trop50 orange juice
- 1/2c plain/original greek yogurt
- 24 raw almonds
- 10 carrot sticks
I would first put the carrots and almonds in tot the blender, followed by the greek yogurt, and then the orange juice and unsweetened almond milk. This one also takes 5 minutes to make, this recipe is a single serving, and the calorie count for one serving is about 295.
I have one more recipe for everyone before I sign off for the night (and get started on my exercise routine). This one is for my take on almond butter; however, it is not your typical almond butter which is one thing that makes it so healthy.
The ingredients for this almond butter are:
- 1 whole banana
- 48 raw almonds
- 1/8c unsweetened almond milk (just enough to moisten/coat the bottom of the blender)
First, chop up the banana in 1/2inch pieces, then coat the bottom of the blender with some unsweetened almond milk (I'm estimating that at taking about 1/8c), then put in the almonds, and blend together. This takes 5 minutes to do, and this recipe makes 2 servings, each serving is about 1/4c, double the serving of most nut butters, and at only 210-215 calories a serving, you are saving about 150-200 calories (if your were to eat 1/4c of regular nut butters). One big calorie cut I eliminated was the oil that goes into nut butters. Oil has a lot of calories, and only a tiny bit is considered healthy for an average diet, much less than what s put into store bought nut butters.
Time to exercise now! Thanks all for reading, I will be back tomorrow with another new post! Be sure to check back.
Stay forever healthy and forever fit.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
New Year, New Beginnings
Hello all my fellow potential followers, fans, and advocates for health and fitness! My name is Sarah, and I have wanted to start a health and fitness blog for awhile now, so I decided no better time to begin this journey than with a fresh new year! Now the first popular question would be, "what makes you feel qualified to contribute and give advice to the world of health and fitness?" Good question. Firstly, health, (medicine), and fitness have been ingrained into my brain since a child. My mom is a doctor, and before becoming a doctor, she went to undergraduate school to become a nutritionist. Then there is my own journey. I have struggled with weight since the age of 12-13 (I will be 26 this May and have finally gotten the feeling of being in control of my own fitness and health), and at my heaviest was about 215 pounds, my height only being 5'4. Technically according to BMI charts, I was obese at my heaviest. I began getting interested in this industry and field at 13, when I begged my mom to allow me to join Jenny Craig. I love learning as much as possible when it comes to fitness and nutrition. I love reading Internet articles, magazine articles, journal articles, etc. in college I took plenty of biology courses, including 3 nutrition courses, anatomy, and physiology. While in college, I took a semester in a nursing program. I have had certifications as a phlebotomist and nursing aide, and basics of nutrition were covered with both certifications. My next venture, while working on this blog is to receive two certifications, (looking into penn foster) for one in fitness and nutrition, and the second to become a personal trainer. I know and understand that health and fitness is not a fad, but a lifelong commitment and lifestyle. I am here to give pointers to any questions (once my fan base builds), review workouts and workout DVDs, post healthy recipes that are quick and easy, etcetera. Anything to help anyone who is struggling and feel hopeless! Because I understand those feelings and know they are not fun! Enjoy reading and I hope to help, and bring comfort to those who need it.
Until next time, stay forever healthy and forever fit! πͺπ―π
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