Sunday, May 15, 2016

Let's Talk "ItWorks!" (or reality, doesn't work) For a Moment...

So, I am assuming most of us have heard of the “ItWorks!” wraps and other bull-junk products they sell. I am here to write about why this company, and its products all equal one big pile of crap.

Firstly, is it possible that I am biased? Perhaps so considering I just graduated with my B.S in Health Sciences and minored in Biological Sciences. Not to mention I am continuing on to get certifications to be a personal trainer, health coach, and hopefully a certified health education specialist (CHES). However, I do not like to think biased as much as a mix of experience and education. As some know, my passion for good health and fitness began at the age of only 13 when I began Jenny Craig (which, looking back now with all I know, there's a lot of downsides to this program, but a topic for a different post). Once I began Jenny Craig I just could not get enough in terms of learning about nutrition and fitness. So, let's start with a very important bullet-point:

There are no magic “diet” potions, pills, wraps, foods, etc.

The “ItWorks!” wraps work, however, all they work at is getting you to lose water weight, that's it. And yes, some people can have a LOT of excess water weight in their systems. That's all you loose with those wraps. It really just baffles my mind that people believe you can actually lose “fat weight” with these wraps. No wrap by any company will ever do that. I'm sorry and hate to burst happy bubbles, but a wrap is “cream” is NOT making you lose fat. And, this is the point where I must mention that when it comes to weight and appearance, the media has made us all incredibly insecure as women. We are basically taught since we are little to want to disown our bodies for all things under the sun society and media deem to be “unattractive.” And, since the media, society, and thusly: BUSINESSES (I.e.: the “ItWorks!” corporation) know how insecure women are about their bodies and that a lot of us unfortunately will do about ANYTHING to change something about ourselves. Hence, “ItWorks!” makes a lot of hog-wash and bogus claims. And why do they get away with their claims? As I have been saying, because the media has especially broken down a woman’s mentality so far down that she may become desperate, willing to try anything, and so dearly hope all the claims she heard to be correct. So she begins the biggest ItWorks trademark, their wraps. Loses weight, gets excited, thinks this product is the bees knees, and that “hey losing weight can be easy”. Well yes, losing water weight? Very easy. Loosing fat? Not so much. Which being the next point:

Loosing weight is a slow process one that involves not only body, but mind and spirit as well

Sounds stereotypical? Perhaps. But true? Absolutely. If your mind is not in it for the haul, you will either lose only a slight amount, or nothing at all and continue to gain. Being distracted, down in the dumps, and lack motivation for instance, are all within the mind, and are all things that will hold you back. If you are in a bad state of mind, no wrap is going to change that, and no wrap alone will get you any real desired physical result )which can have an adverse effect of making you more upset and frustrated...not the path I want to see anyone be going down, because I have been there, and I know for a fact that's not a good place to be in. Spirituality is the root to a lot of things (and before I continue on let me make this statement BOLD AND CLEAR: SPIRITUALITY DOES NOT EQUAL HAVING RELIGION/RELIGIOUS BELIEFS); it is what makes us feel connected to the earth, our surroundings, our soul/inner being, and how we feel about the lack of or sense of continuing on in a form of an afterlife (<-still not religion, you can absolutely believe in God and afterlife without believing in religion). But if something in your spiritual connectedness is broken or off, that will take you into a downward spiral quick. Why? Because as stated: having a good spiritual balance in anyone's life is a key component to happiness. So if mind, body, and/or soul/spirit are out of sync, weight loss and being healthy, also go out of sync. And again: wraps will NOT solve these kinds of problems to get you back to feeling like you're on the right track (which is detrimental to success in weight loss).

There is no quick fix

It's a very simple formula, put too much into the body: you're going to gain and that's just how it is. If you equally put in what comes out, you maintain; and finally if you put less in than what comes out, THAT IS WHEN YOU LOSE WEIGHT. And to tone or firm? Sorry but no quick or magic fix there either. You have to workout. Not working out, sure doesn't mean you will necessarily be “fat” but, if your goal is to be “firmed,” “toned,” and/or “muscular,” that will not happy without calisthenics/anaerobic activities. Also, remember: just because someone looks slender on the outside does not mean they are healthy internally, how do you know they're not a chain smoker? Excessive alcoholic? Or have fatty blockages forming in their arteries (yes, if a thin person only eats junk, they too will get clogged arteries..fatty blockages do not discriminate based on one's outward appearance). Again these wraps ONLY MAKE YOU LOSE WATER WEIGHT; which means they can clear out artery fat and blockages, they can't make a smoker's lung go from black and tuff to pink and soft, and they can't make a defective liver work again.

Losing weight is:
Changing your view on food, seeing it as fuel source vs pleasure
Eating anything in moderation
Performing in some kind of physical activity at moderate level, at least 30 minutes/day 5-6 times each week

So in sum:
ItWorks! doesn't work in the way it claims
There is no secret, no magic cream or potion, no wrap or pill that will take off the fatty weight
Losing weight = simple equation
Losing weight = hard work AND dedication, there IS NO WAY of getting out of that
I am a health and fitness professional with an educational background and years of experience with this so….
No, I don't want to become your Guinea Pig or experiment in trying any of their scammed products, no I have zero interest in ever using their products again because I used them once at a low and weak point in my life..and as I said, only water weight (myself included) is/will be lost (which isn't the weight most people care too entirely much about losing

In sum, though I speak the reality, in a perhaps slightly blunt fashion, I hope everyone reading this finds success in their weight loss and mind-body-spirit fitness journeys. Just please, whatever you do, please do not fall for the “ItWorks!” scam/pile of bull.

Stay forever healthy, and forever fit ❤️

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